Exhibit A North Building
Our Exhibit A North Building will have a Sunday 7:15am Open Time for our General Admission: 45 minutes before the rest of the show opens. Customers will be transported from our entry gates via a People Mover Tram with the first customer entering at 7:10am sharp. Exhibitors in this building will need to plan the arrival accordingly for the early opening. *The Tram will continue to run nonstop all Sunday, 7am-3pm, bringing customers to and from Gate 2 Parking Lot Entry to the Exhibit A Building.
Tables are all 30" x 96". Two table booths configure in an L shape, three and four tables in a U shape, and other custom setups are available. *If mailing in payment, tables for October are $110 each. A $5 per table fee has been added if paying online to cover incurred fees.
CANCELLATIONS: Credit is available for cancellations before April 1, to be applied to any of our 2023 shows.
General Info:
1. A LIMIT OF TWO PERSONS is set for each booth: ONE exhibitor, ONE helper. Additional helpers will attend with the floor rights fee of $50 on Saturday. One extra SUNDAY helper is allowed by submitting the name with your contract. No Saturday or Sunday helpers added one week before show. Late names pay floor rights or Sunday admission. No exceptions except for children living at home who are welcome.
2. SET UP SATURDAY: The West gate (#2) opens for entry at 9:00am and remains open until closing at 4:00pm. Tables MAY NOT BE MOVED, and all items must fit within the booth perimeter. Exhibitor seating may be placed in the aisles.
3. SET UP SUNDAY: The West gate (#2) and buildings will be open at 6:00am for all exhibitors pre-registered on Saturday. Exhibitors not previously checked in will be met outside Gate #2 beginning at 5:30am to be processed. Customers will enter at 8:00am. Please attend your booth by 7:30am.
4. SECURITY: Professional security is hired to guard Saturday, Saturday night, & Sunday. Buildings locked down Saturday 4:30pm.
5. INSURANCE: Exhibitors accept full liability for any injury or loss to themselves or their property and staff while attending the show. Exhibitors expressly release the management from liability for any loss or injury.
6. EXHIBIT CONTENTS: We welcome all antique and collectible toys and dolls as well as holiday heirlooms and advertising. No displays of items other than these. Fairgrounds management and Fire Codes require that no extra tables are outside your booth, and all boxes must be under tables out of the walking areas. Non-compliance risks having the building shut down and exhibitor ejection from our event.
7. SHOW TIMES: Exhibitors must be set up by 7:30am Sunday morning and must remain set up until 3:00pm. The public will
attend from 8:00am to 3:00pm and expect to see a full show. Exhibitors who pack before 3:00pm will risk losing their location.
8. CANCELLATIONS: Credit is available for cancellations received before July 15.